Saturday Care

The program is designed to provide an extension to the existing preschool / transition to school program.

Kindaburra Saturday Education & Fun Program is available for children who already attend Kindaburra or anyone who is interested and would like to bring their child in for some concrete learning through play and fun.

The aim of the program
The aim of the program is to deliver the most important learning to students with emphasis on the knowledge, skills and understandings (fundamental skills) needed to succeed beyond preschool. In planning and developing programs that meet the needs of students with varying ability levels and learning needs teachers draw on the detail provided in NSW Primary Curriculum Foundation Statements.

Key Learning Areas
The programs are implemented in small groups, they are play- based and focused on the following Key Learning Areas: English: Talking and Listening/ Reading/ Writing Mathematics Science & Technology Human Society & Its Environments Creative Arts Personal Development, Health and Physical Education.

For more details regarding this new program please call Kindaburra or please forward us a Booking Sheet with your contact details.